Our Adjusted Work Week (AWW) at Charlie is a 9-day fortnight with a Deep Work Wednesday each fortnight. This means:
- We don’t work every other Friday
- We strive to have minimal meetings on Deep Work Wednesdays
How AWW affects pay:
- Everyone’s salary at Charlie remains unchanged by our reduction in hours.
How AWW affects daily hours:
- It’s important to clarify that our AWW does not mean we work compressed hours (i.e. a 40-hour week in four days). We’re a results and output-driven team, so we won’t be making any changes to the length of our working day—our AWW trial has proven that we can be just as productive in less time.
How AWW affects holiday allowance and bank holidays:
- Our annual leave allowance remains the same at 25 bookable days + bank holidays
- We'll continue to observe all bank holidays, no matter which week they fall on. However if a bank holiday falls on a non-working Friday, our timetable takes precedence and a day off in lieu won't be offered
- Please note that Charlie can’t currently process alternating week lengths, so be mindful of this when booking time off in Charlie. You’ll need to leave out any non-working Fridays from holiday requests in order to not waste any days!
AWW for customer-facing roles and Ewoks:
- Different roles within the company will have different requirements when it comes to our AWW. Some teams will need a rota system in place so that everyone can take advantage of our reduced working hours without affecting the top-level service we provide to our customers 😊
AWW for part-time team members:
- Any part-time Charlini is eligible to work the same AWW schedule as the rest of the company (i.e., have every other Friday off), but it won’t count as a day worked when it comes to salary:
- For example, if you work three days a week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday), your salary will be 3/5th of your full time salary. You won’t be eligible to receive 3.5 days of pay to account for the fortnightly Fridays off.
- If your part-time hours include Fridays, you’ll need to adjust your working pattern in order to receive the correct pay (e.g., if you work Mondays Tuesdays and Fridays, you’ll need to need consider working a different day instead of the Friday in order to receive 3/5ths of your salary - AWW Fridays don’t count as a day worked)
Keeping track of our AWW:
- We know it can be tricky to keep track of which week is which, so the Ops team will always provide the following:
- A link to add the week types and lengths directly into your Google Calendar
If you have any questions about our AWW Policy, please reach out to Yasmin.